Safety Protocol

The steps we are taking to keep you, your family, and ourselves safe.


How we keep people safe

The health and safety of our clients, employees, and our trade partners is our highest priority, and we’ve adjusted our operations to ensure their continued protection.

How are we working to keep you and your family safe?

Our office operations have been adjusted to meet social distancing safe practices, and we are now providing optional virtual consultations.

Our work site operations have been modified to ensure the highest level of safety and well being for everyone.

We are following all guidelines as recommended by the Federal and Provincial Health Authorities. In addition, we are adhering to the Canadian Construction Association COVID-19 Standardized Protocol

Further to these operational requirements, we are also requiring the following procedure to be implemented until further notice:

Each Employee and Tradesperson on a worksite is now required to confirm by return email this “E-affidavit” before stepping foot on a job site stating they;

-Are not experiencing any symptoms associated with CV 19

-Have been practicing physical separation (Social Distancing) during business and off work hours

-Are not required to self isolate as identified by Provincial Health Authorities

-Are committed to frequent hand washing before, during, and after site visits.

-Will quarantine any/all materials brought to a site for a minimum of 9 days or will sanitize the products/materials before use at the place of work should their use be required before 9 days.

-Have had their own personal tools in their own care for a minimum of 9 days and have ensured their cleanliness and sanitation, and they will avoid sharing of tools, equipment

-Will identify designated delivery zones. When possible, have deliveries dropped off, avoiding personal contact. If a signature is required, use your own pen.

-Are following all guidelines and orders as issued by the Federal and Provincial Health Authorities and are following the CCA COVID-19 Standard Protocol for Construction Sites.

Each Owner of an occupied work site is now required to confirm by return email this “E-affidavit” before we mobilize to a site stating they will ensure that all occupants of the property can attest that they;

-Are not experiencing any symptoms associated with CV 19

-Have not come in contact with anyone infected with CV 19

-Have not recently travelled outside of Canada (within 14 days)

-Are not currently required to self isolate as identified by Provincial Health Authorities

-Have been actively practicing physical separation (Social Distancing)

-Are committed to frequent hand washing before, and during workdays while our employees are on site

-Are following all guidelines and orders as issued by the Provincial Health Authority

-Will follow the protocol as set out and referred to in this communication

-Will identify along with our work crew, clear space boundaries (dedicated washroom is applicable, Crew will not enter certain areas, Owner will not enter the worksite, even after work hours)

Each Owner or designated Owners Agent in control of an unoccupied work site is now required to confirm by return email this “E-affidavit” before we mobilize to a site stating;

-The most recent date that a person was in the property, whether they be guest, or workers such as property manager, cleaning staff, engineer, architect, or repair persons, etc.

-Will follow the protocol as set out and referred to in this communication

-They agree to notify us by direct telephone communication prior to the property being visited by anyone at any time.

Additional precautions may be implemented on an individual site by site basis. 

Those additional precautionary steps will be posted on individual sites.

We appreciate each individual effort being made to ensure our common health and safety.

Please be assured that we will be constantly reassessing and adapting our processes to adhere to the latest health authority guidelines. 

And remember, This Too Shall Pass!

Be Safe and Stay Well.

Kind Regards,

David Girard rhp, crb
